Thursday, February 13, 2014

I Absolutely MUST Be In LOVE or Put to Death

   Some of you may know I am a girl scout and many of them are two or more years younger than me. These girls are very much still young girls who still have not experienced the same things that I have. For example they are still in training bras or none at all and are still losing baby teeth. I thought that would tell how far apart we are in age. Well one of them is the sister of friend of mine that I've known since 6th grade. She and the other girl scouts believe that since this friend is a boy and that he has a crush on me ,that I must be in LOVE with him. That is very much not the case he and I are only friends. Although it's not only the young girl scouts. It's other people at school who believe just because he likes me that I should like him back. Now my problem with this is these people or children never have an answer to why. When I ask "what is it about the two of us that make us supposedly perfect for each-other?" The answer I always receive back is "just cause". This disappoints me every time. To be honest I don't think anyone should be telling me on a daily basis who should love. Also I don't exactly like being told I'm married or hearing "Hey (insert name)'s girlfriend!" I feel hurt by it sometimes like my own wants or opinions don't matter. People just like funny jokes or want to add their dumb one true pairing lists.

  To end this I sometimes feel like I have zero opinion and should do what others want regardless of want I think or want. By the way I don't believe middle school students should date it's pathetic and pointless, but I'll make a post  about that another time.
                                                      P.S. Happy Valentine's Day
