Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Shopping Addict?

    After maybe a  month into working my new job at my school's bookstore something about my room has changed. I have a lot of boxes and bags in the corner of my room where the trashcan is. About a foot and a half of boxes, bags, and empty packages have been growing into mountains consistently. And the problem is not my trash, but my online shopping. Getting this new job and not having bills to pay or school books to buy meant that I had a chance to buy things I have always wanted and a lot of it. Apps like Depop, Poshmark,  Mercari and the fact that I always look for a coupon keep me from spending huge amounts, but I am still spending money. Finding gorgeous $10 gently used pieces is something I crave. I am getting not only a deal, but something beautiful. Lately I have been deleting and re-downloading these apps. Part of my excuse is some orders were never shipped and I need to get my money back if I don't get my item. So three more days and hopefully I get two refunds from Depop. Though these issues only made me keep the app and continue to think of things I want and then buy them and waiting for them to come in the mail and then the circle continues of me waiting and shopping while I wait. Yesterday I bought two things and the day before I bought my family Christmas presents as well as an 18 inch pink tree for myself and today I bought from target ornaments to put on the tree. This is kinda nuts or maybe it is just me doing what people do during the holidays. One thing is for sure I am stopping myself from buying clothing. Aside from shoes, because honestly until now I have not bought myself shoes and I just have a collection of boots, which I love. So clothing besides intimates, shoes and really good leggings are my only exceptions. I think I have all my holiday shopping done so now I need to focus on crafts for the rest of my gifts. I want today to be my last day of online shopping with a Black Friday hallpass because hello? It is BLACK FRIDAY. Following that I want it all to end. I need to focus on other things like school, crafting, reading and maybe posting on this blog more often.

update: I bought so much since this message I need to cut off my PayPal or something

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Petty Problems: Crap, You Are Still Here

      This is my freshman year of college and it's right before the probable craziness of finals. I go to a state college and honestly it was embarrassing to tell my IB peers I would not be going to a big university out of state or everyone's dream school, University of Florida. The good news is I am a valid IB student because I did get an IB Diploma and no one can take that away. Anyway, going to this small local school means that I am actually surrounded by people I once knew. People I assumed I would never see again, but oh boy I was wrong. And I really thought I was away from them forever. Elementary school, middle school and high school. Ugh! Gross. The good thing is I am not recognized most of the time or at least no one cares to interact. Which is good, I like it that way.

     I work in my school's bookstore so I get to see a large amount of the student body. The worst interaction was seeing my middle school bully again. I forget the bullying I faced in middle school because honestly it was easy to get over. I did not suffer in middle school. Most of it I enjoyed. I was very quiet and reserved when he came in. I cannot be rude, my job is to be hospitable and help customers and students with whatever they need. So I checked him out very quietly and did not make eye contact. He sounded like he lost a lot of brain cells since middle school. And I have not seen him much since. The good thing is I am actually ahead of most of the people from my past so I do not have class with these people. Luckily, it is only two years or so and I am saving a lot of money. Plus for the most part I am just independently getting my work done and I'm making money right now writing this in the bookstore. It's pretty chill.
-Alexa Z