Sunday, November 17, 2013

Dr. Martens Review

During the summer I saved up my pocket money to buy myself a pair of adorable Doc Martens. I bought mine on sale for about $70 at They are The Caryn Cutouts from the Kensington collection. I found them because of Marzia an awesome youtuber who's style is similar to mine she had a pair of floral docs and I wanted them too, but they were sold out in my size. I still wanted a similar pair so I looked online and found mine then two months afterward I had enough money to buy them. Now I get so many compliments even from guy because for some reason they think it's cool that they can see part of my foot. Except for the gothic kids they hate them because they are floral and not combat boots, BUT WHO CARES THEY ARE ALWAYS DOWNERS. I also understand I am not a rebel like most of the people who wear them. Any way like most shoes that are new I get cut on my heals ,but that's shoe life and they fit better with my Dr. Scholls inserts. I can't really say anything bad about them they are super cute and people always notice. So maybe another time I will save up for another pair because of how much I enjoy these
Marzia's video link:

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