Note to Self: help friends know the definition of innocence.
noun \ˈi-nə-sən(t)s\
: the state of being not guilty of a crime or other wrong act
: lack of experience with the world and with the bad things that happen in life
: lack of experience with the world and with the bad things that happen in life
: lack of knowledge about something
Full Definition of INNOCENCE
a : freedom from guilt or sin through being unacquainted with evil : blamelessness
b : chastity
c : freedom from legal guilt of a particular crime or offense d (1) : freedom from guile or cunning : simplicity (2) : lack of worldly experience or sophistication
e : lack of knowledge : ignorance <written in entire innocence of the Italian language — E. R. Bentley>
b : chastity
c : freedom from legal guilt of a particular crime or offense d (1) : freedom from guile or cunning : simplicity (2) : lack of worldly experience or sophistication