Friday, December 6, 2013

What is the Meaning of Innocence?

So today at lunch a new friend of mine named Hannah told me I am very innocent. Many other friends and people in my class have told me this also because I tend to keep a clean language and reactions to certain things. Well she told me that her step-mother was very innocent at age 14 on her first day of High school (I am 14 and I'm in 8th grade) and a few senior guys were flirting with her one of them I guess became her boyfriend and had you know what with her and left her after two weeks of being her boyfriend. She also told me there is a good chance this will happen to me. I don't think the cause of this misfortune was innocence ,but no self control, and peer pressure . Also obviously her step-mother wasn't that innocent. This can happen to anyone dumb enough to have a senior boyfriend and let him take advantage of you, not innocence. 

Note to Self: help friends know the definition of innocence.


noun \ˈi-nə-sən(t)s\
: the state of being not guilty of a crime or other wrong act
: lack of experience with the world and with the bad things that happen in life
: lack of knowledge about something

Full Definition of INNOCENCE

a :  freedom from guilt or sin through being unacquainted with evil :  blamelessness
b :  chastity
c :  freedom from legal guilt of a particular crime or offense d (1) :  freedom from guile or cunning :  simplicity (2) :  lack of worldly experience or sophistication
e :  lack of knowledge :  ignorance <written in entire innocence of the Italian language — E. R. Bentley> 

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