Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Petty Problems:Breaking Up

I think at a young age I find myself thinking I will never find someone like what I had before. I become wrapped in a person that grew to know and understand me over years. The thought that I have to start all over can be scary. The other person accepted me and grew with me. But, when they are gone it is tough to come to the understanding that I will not find someone just like them again. Of course I have learned what I want out of a person and what I don’t want, but the mystery of who’s next is scary. With that in mind, I find that I am lucky to continue to find someone who follows shortly after the previous and every time I find someone better. So, I think my fear is a tad irrational because I am aware others will come and I will grow to like them as I did the previous person.
-Alexa Z

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